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Budo Kageden 3 Hino Akira

Kageden 3-HINO Akira


Kageden 3 - Akira HINO

Languague : Japanese


This DVD will completely change your point of view on Japanese martial arts!



Kageden 3 - Akira HINO

This DVD presents a new method that mixes Chinese and Japanese martial arts.

The transmission of power is done through an effective use of the joints.


The content of this DVD

-What is "Fajing"? : The force

-The Conscience stops the force

-The "Chán sī jìn" and relaxation of body joint

-Movement the knees

-Tsuki without distance

-The application of the Elbow


Languague : Japanese


: 日野晃 影伝シリーズ 第3巻
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