Yoshinkan Aikido-Gokui/ The essence of Yoshinkan aikido - Yasuhisa SHIODA
Langage: Japanese/ English (subtitle)
The essence of Aikido is the harmony of the whole.
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Yoshinkan Aikido-Gokui/ The essence of Yoshinkan aikido - Yasuhisa SHIODA
Langage: Japanese/ English (subtitle)
The essence of Aikido is the harmony of the whole.
Aikido Master N°1 Kihon hen (beginner level) - Yasuhisa SHIODA
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Aikido Master N°2 Kihon hen (beginner level) - Yasuhisa SHIODA
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DVD dedicated to the preparation of grading from 3rd to 1st kyu.
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Aikido Master N°4 Advanced level 1 - Yasuhisa SHIODA
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Aikido Master N°5 Advanced level 2 - Yasuhisa SHIODA
Language: Japanese
DVD dedicated to the preparation of grading from 1st dan.