Shinkage Yagyu ryu was a school of kenjutsu that SHOGUN TOKUGAWA practiced. There were two schools of Yagyu Shinkage RYU: "EDO Yagyu (Tokyo)" and "Owari TAGYU (NAGOYA)" KATO is the successor of the Master of Owari Yagyu Shinkage RYU. He is the one who transmitted this technique to Tatsuo Akabane.
In this DVD, Akabane explains ancient technique with his son.
The content of the DVD
Sangakuen no tachi
(To wait: there is an attack during lhe waiting): Owari-zukaï
- Enbu (demonstration)
- Explanation of kata (Ippon-me: Itto-ryodan, Nihon-me:Zanteï Settetsu, Sanbon-me: Hankai Hankô, Yonhon-me: Usen Saten, Gohon-me: Chôtan Ichimi)
Kuka no Tachi
(To attack: there is a waiting, an invitation in the attack)
- Enbu (demonstration)
- Explanation of kata (Ippon-me: Hisshô, Nihon-me: Gyakufû, Sanbon-me:Jûtachi, Yonhon-me: Kabuto, Gohon-me: Syôkeï, Roppon-me:Kozume, Nanahon-me: özume, Hachihon-me: Yaégaki, Kyuhon-me: Murakumo)
(waiting/attack/Omoté/Ura: adaptation of attacks of a enemy)
- Enbu (demonstration)
- Explanation of kata (Ippon-me: Kasha, Nihon-me: Akemi, Sanbon-me: Zentaï, Yonhon-me: Tebiki, Gohon-me: Ranken, Roppon-me: Nitô, Nanahon-me: NitôUchimono, Happon-me: Futarigakari)