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Kashima no Hidachi


KASHIMA no HIDACHI Vol.3 OKUDEN(high grade)

-INABA Minoru


Language: Japanese
/ English (Subtitle)



KASHIMA no HIDACHI  - Okuden hen -INABA Minoru

INABA Minoru:

INABA Minoru started Aikido in Aikikai Tokyo in 1963, began Kashima Shin Ryu with Master Kunii Zenya in 1965.
In 1973 he was named the Dojo Shihan "Shiseikan DOJO" in Meiji Jingu and between 1993-2009 he served as the Kancho (Director of Dojo).
Today, he teaches Aikido and Kashima Shin Ryu throughout Japan and abroad.

- Tsuba Zeriai (6 techniques)
- Taoshi Uchi
- Naginata (20 techniques )
- Batto Jutsu (32 techniques)
- Ura dachi with Iaito (6 techniques)
- Shinken Tachi-ai (8 techniques)
- Houno Enbu (Demonstration dedicated to the deity of KashimaJingu)


Language: Japanese / English (Subtitle)

: KAS3D 鹿島の秘太刀 第3巻 奥伝編
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