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DVD kendo - Showa tenran jiai

Showa tenran jiai


Showa tenran jiai

Language: Japanese           

Set 3DVDs : 94mn

Tournament held during the Showa era in the presence of the Emperor.

This DVD is a very valuable video where you can watch the figures and mind of genuine kendo-ka who devoted their lives to the Japanese sword.



Showa tenran jiai

Tournament held in the presence of the Emperor the Showa era

The first tournament in 1929

- Kata: Sazaburo TAKANO  (uchitachi) Hakudo NAKAYAMA (shitachi)

- Competition


The second tournament in 1930

- Kata: Hakudo NAKAYAMA  (Iai) Toranosuke Motomiya and Yauemon HAYASHI (Katorishinto ryu),Hideo Sonobe and  Sadako Yamauchi (Jikishinkage ryu Naginata)

- Competition

 The third tournament in 1940

- Competition

- Demonstrations: Hakudo NAKAYAMA, Hasegawa Eishin-Ryu Iai


Language: Japanese

Set 3DVDs : 94mn

: DVD昭和天覧試合
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