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dvd kobudo Iaijutsu-Hoki ryu

Iaijutsu-Hoki ryu


" Kobudo " Series - Hoki ryu Iaijutsu by HOSHINO Noritoshi

Language : Japanese


Created by the Iai master KATAYAMA Hisayasu.



" Kobudo " Series - Hoki ryu Iaijutsu by HOSHINO Noritoshi

Hoki ryu : created by KATAYAMA Hisayasu (KATAYAMA Hoki no kami) is a master of Iai.

Composed of three different techniques; Iai, Naginata and kumiuchi

Our DVDs of great Japanese masters will allow you to better understand the essence of Budo, a term that refers to the Japanese traditional martial arts as a whole.


The content of this DVD " kobudo series - Hoki ryu iaijutsu "

-Omote no waza

-Chudan no waza

-Higo sanno nouchi ( Jujutsu )


Language : Japanese


: DVD 古武道シリーズ 伯耆流居合術
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