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Waza to Jyutsuri 2014-KONO Yoshinori


Waza to Jyutsuri 2014 (Naikan karano Tenkai :Deployment of introspection)- Yoshinori KONO



Introduction of an important precept of Master Yoshinori Kono's theory about martial arts, the development by the "Naikan" - introspection.



Waza to Jyutsuri 2014 (Naikan karano Tenkai :Deployment of introspection)- Yoshinori KONO

Waza to Jyutsuri 2014 (Naikan karano Tenkai :Deployment of introspection): Yoshinori KONO
This DVD presents a practical approach to "internal view" of martial arts.  "Naikan"means literally introspection, a method of self-reflection supported by Mr. Hiroyuki Noguchi, a member of Shintai Kyouiku Kenkyuujo, a research center on physical development.  

The content of this DVD

Keep hands katana close

-Kasumi nuki

-Gedan karano tenkai

-Kiri musubi


-Taijutsu heno tenkai


Deployment of introspection

-Haraenai te, kirikomi irimi

-Shomen no taiou

-Nami no ge, katate kiri otoshi

-Masame gaeshi

-Tachi ubari

-Ichion nido





-Uki no Momo

-Batto jutsu no Tenkai

-Tsuzure Ashi

-Tora hishigi






: 1768 甲野善紀 技と術理2014 内観からの展開
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