DVD "Kendo Nito Nyumon" -Niten ichi ryu Musashikai Hyodo Shinan- Vol.2 Techniques
This DVD is for A Kenshi who wishes to learn and master Nito ryu. Instructor of Niten Ichiryu Musashi association explain Battle technique of Kendo Nito ryu as " Nito ryu to learn right now ".
* Technique of Kendo Nito (action version) - Put technique - Respond technique - Battle of Nito
* Kendo Nito aggression - Leave from the partner , closer than me ~ Adjust the timing ~ - Remove attack axis of partner ~ Battle of midline line ~ - Create timing for attack ~ Take the center ~ - Move the shade (three direction )
* Application to Ito and vs. Nito - Application to Ito - Nito technique as for Ito
* Niten Ichi ryu Musashi-kai Hyodo-kei - How about Niten Ichi-ryu Musashi-kai Hyodo-kei