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Bojutsu giho-YOKOYAMA Kazumasa

Bo jutsu Giho-YOKOYAMA Kazumasa


Bo jutsu giho /Technique with the stick   by Kazumasa YOKOYAMA

Language : Japanese




Bo jutsu giho / Technique with the stick by Kazumasa YOKOYAMA

Kazumasa YOKOYAMA was born in 1958 in OKINAWA. He is SHORIN KARATE 7th Dan.

Nunchaku and Bo (stick) are two weapons often used in martial arts in Okinawa.

Master YOKOYAMA searches efficiencies of Okinawa Shorin Ryu basic and advanced techniques.

The content of this DVD

- The basic Technique
- The traditional technique
- Kihon / basic: How to hold Nunchaku and Bo, what is the form of Kamae
- the direct attack technique
- the battle technique
- the technique of "Uke"
- the Attack technique
- the composed technique
- Kumi Bo
- the fighting techniques in practice.

Language : Japanese


: BAB SYO2D 実戦 棒術技法 横山和正
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