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Daitoryu Aikijbujutsu seminario-SOGAWA Kazuoki

Daitoryu Aikibujutsu seminaire-SOGAWA Kazuoki


Daito ryu Aikibujutsu seminaire Kazuoki SOGAWA

Language : Japanese


Outstanding seminar with the head of the Sogawa family of Saigo ha Daito Ryu and his students.



Daito ryu Aikibujutsu seminaire Kazuoki SOGAWA

SOGAWA Kazuoki was born in 1948 in Nagasaki. From his earliest childhood, he practices Aikido with master YAMASHITA. In 1965, he creates the Daito ryu Shuki kai. In 1971, he becomes the 2nd successor of Daitoryu Aki jujutsu SAIGO-HA. Since then, he teaches Aikido at Shodokan Dojo, the school headquarters, in Kita. In 1990, he creates the International Daitoryu Aiki Bujutsu Association.

The contents of this DVD

The seminar in Tokyo in 1991.

- Ippon dori

- Shiho nage

- Kote gaeshi ( omote, ura, oku )

- Sanjo gatame

- Aiki no toushin

- Koza gatame

Language : Japanese


: BAB DAI2D 大東流合気武術ビデオセミナー
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